Are you looking to view LinkedIn profiles without having to create an account? Maybe you want to learn more about a potential job candidate or just want to see what’s out there on the professional networking platform. Whatever the reason, it is possible to view LinkedIn profiles without an account. In this blog post, we’ll take you through the steps on how to do it.

Related: How to View LinkedIn Profiles Anonymously

Why View LinkedIn Profiles Without an Account?

There are several reasons why you might want to view LinkedIn profiles without having an account. One of the most common reasons is when you’re conducting research on potential job candidates. You might not want to create a LinkedIn account just to view their profile, but you still want to learn more about their professional background.

Another reason could be that you’re interested in the platform but not ready to commit to creating an account just yet. Viewing profiles without an account can give you a glimpse into what LinkedIn has to offer, without requiring you to create a profile.

Method 1: Use Google to View LinkedIn Profiles

One way to view LinkedIn profiles without an account is by using Google. This method involves performing a search on Google for the person’s name and including “LinkedIn” in the search query. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open Google in your web browser.
  • Type the person’s name in the search bar.
  • Add “LinkedIn” to the search query.
  • Hit Enter and look for the person’s LinkedIn profile in the search results.

If the person has a public LinkedIn profile, it should show up in the search results. You can click on the link to view their profile and learn more about their professional background.

Method 2: Use a LinkedIn Profile Viewer Tool

Another way to view LinkedIn profiles without an account is by using a LinkedIn profile viewer tool. These tools allow you to view public LinkedIn profiles without having to create an account. Some popular LinkedIn profile viewer tools include:

  • Dux-Soup
  • LinkedIn Profile Viewer
  • Linked Helper

To use these tools, simply enter the person’s name or LinkedIn profile URL into the search bar and hit enter. The tool will then display the person’s public LinkedIn profile, allowing you to view their professional background.

Method 3: Ask Someone to Share Their Profile With You

Finally, if you know someone who has a LinkedIn account, you can ask them to share a profile with you. This method works best if you know the person whose profile you want to view, and they’re willing to share their profile with you.

To use this method, simply ask the person to share their LinkedIn profile URL with you. They can do this by sending you a direct message with the link, or by copying and pasting the link into an email.


Viewing LinkedIn profiles without an account is possible, and there are several ways to do it. Whether you use Google to search for profiles, use a LinkedIn profile viewer tool, or ask someone to share their profile with you, you can learn more about potential job candidates or get a glimpse into what LinkedIn has to offer. Keep in mind that not all profiles will be public, so you may not be able to view all the information you’re looking for. Additionally, while viewing LinkedIn profiles can be a useful tool, it’s important to use it ethically and responsibly.