LinkedIn is the go-to site for making professional connections and staying up on industry trends. If you are trying to view someone’s profile anonymously, there are a few options you can take. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to view LinkedIn profiles anonymously.

Related: How to View Your LinkedIn Profile as a Public User

Method 1: Using LinkedIn’s Built-in Anonymous Viewing Option

LinkedIn offers an anonymous viewing option that allows you to visit someone’s profile without them knowing. Here’s how to use it:

  • Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  • Search for the person’s profile that you want to view anonymously.
  • Hover your cursor over their profile picture or name.
  • Click on the “More…” button and select “View profile in private mode.”
  • You’ll be redirected to the profile, and a pop-up will appear that confirms you’re viewing the profile anonymously.


You can view someone’s profile without them knowing, which is great if you don’t want them to think you’re stalking them.

You’ll still be able to see their full profile, including their activity feed, recommendations, and connections.


You won’t be able to see who has viewed your profile while in private mode.

You’ll have to switch back to public mode to send them a message or connect with them.

Method 2: Logging Out of Your LinkedIn Account

Another way to view someone’s LinkedIn profile anonymously is to log out of your LinkedIn account and search for their profile on Google. Here’s how to do it:

  • Log out of your LinkedIn account.
  • Go to Google and search for the person’s name and “LinkedIn.”
  • Click on their LinkedIn profile from the search results.


You’ll be completely anonymous, as you won’t be logged into your LinkedIn account.

You’ll be able to see their full profile, including their activity feed, recommendations, and connections.


You won’t be able to see who has viewed your profile while logged out.

You won’t be able to send them a message or connect with them.

Method 3: Using a Third-Party Tool

There are several third-party tools that allow you to view LinkedIn profiles anonymously. One popular tool is Dux-Soup, which is a LinkedIn automation tool that can help you automate your LinkedIn profile views. Here’s how to use it:

  • Install the Dux-Soup Chrome extension.
  • Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  • Search for the person’s profile that you want to view anonymously.
  • Click on the Dux-Soup icon on your browser and select “Visit Profiles.”

Dux-Soup will automatically visit the person’s profile, and you’ll be able to view their profile anonymously.


You’ll be able to automate your LinkedIn profile views, which can save you time.

You’ll be able to view someone’s profile without them knowing.


You’ll have to pay for Dux-Soup, as it’s a premium tool.

Using third-party tools can be risky, as they may violate LinkedIn’s terms of service and get your account suspended.


viewing LinkedIn profiles anonymously can be a useful tool for job seekers, recruiters, and professionals looking to expand their network without raising any suspicions or creating any unnecessary attention. By following the steps mentioned in this guide, you can easily view profiles without revealing your identity. However, it’s important to keep in mind that LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, and using the anonymity feature to stalk or harass individuals is not acceptable. It’s always best to use this feature responsibly and respectfully. By doing so, you can enjoy the benefits of LinkedIn’s networking capabilities while maintaining your privacy and professionalism.

FAQS: How to View LinkedIn Profiles Anonymously

How Do I View a LinkedIn Profile Anonymously?

To view a LinkedIn profile anonymously, you can sign out of your LinkedIn account, use a private or incognito browsing window, or change your account settings to “Anonymous LinkedIn Member.”

Can I Still Message Someone if I View their Profile Anonymously?

Yes, you can still send a message to someone even if you viewed their profile anonymously. However, they may be less likely to respond if they don’t know who you are or if they suspect you’re not being transparent about your identity.

Are there any Downsides to Viewing LinkedIn Profiles Anonymously?

One downside to viewing LinkedIn profiles anonymously is that you may miss out on opportunities to connect with potential employers or networking contacts if they don’t know you’re interested in them. Additionally, if you’re viewing profiles anonymously too frequently, it could be a red flag that you’re not using LinkedIn in a professional manner.