The job market is highly competitive, especially for recent graduates who are just starting their careers. A well-written and effective resume can make all the difference in securing the job of your dreams, but it can also make or break your chances if it’s not done properly. That’s why it’s important to know the do’s and don’ts of resume writing for recent graduates.

Related: Why Resume Mistakes are so Important to Avoid

Do’s of Resume Writing for Recent Graduates

Customize your Resume for Each Job Application

Tailor your resume to each job you are applying for by highlighting the skills and experiences that are relevant to the position. This shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the job.

Highlight your Education

Your education is an important part of your resume, especially if you are a recent graduate. Make sure to include your degree, major, and any relevant coursework or honors that demonstrate your knowledge and skills.

Showcase your Experiences

Whether it’s internships, co-op programs, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities, be sure to highlight your experiences that demonstrate your skills and qualities.

Keep it Concise

Your resume should be one or two pages in length and should be easy to read and understand. Focus on the most important information and leave out anything that is not relevant to the job you are applying for.

Use keywords

Research the job you are applying for and include relevant keywords in your resume. This will make it easier for hiring managers and recruitment software to identify your skills and qualifications.

Don’ts of Resume Writing for Recent Graduates

Don’t use an unprofessional email address: Use a professional email address that includes your name and is appropriate for a job application.

Don’t include irrelevant information: Leave out any personal information or hobbies that are not relevant to the job.

Don’t use a generic template: Your resume should be unique and should stand out from the competition. Avoid using generic templates and instead, create a custom design that showcases your skills and qualifications.

Don’t lie or exaggerate: Be honest about your skills and experiences, and avoid exaggerating or lying about anything on your resume.

Don’t make grammar or spelling errors: Proofread your resume several times to make sure there are no grammar or spelling errors. This shows that you pay attention to detail and care about your job application.

Don’t use outdated information: Double-check your resume for accuracy, especially when it comes to contact information.

Don’t be too casual: Don’t use slang words or phrases and avoid using overused words such as “responsible for.”

Don’t offer too much information: Keep details about references, hobbies, and other accomplishments to a minimum.

Don’t get too creative: A resume should only have fundamental information, sticking to black and white font and easy-to-read formatting.


The do’s and don’ts of resume writing for recent graduates are important to keep in mind when creating your resume. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of landing the job of your dreams and making a positive first impression with potential employers.