LinkedIn is a professional networking site that allows users to connect with other professionals, find jobs, and share opportunities and information. Users can create a profile, share information about their education and work experience, and connect with others in their industry. It also provides various features like company page, job listing, groups etc.

Related: Where to Upload a Resume on LinkedIn?

It is essential for job seekers to keep their resumes up-to-date, especially if they have uploaded it to a digital platform such as LinkedIn. If people have not updated their resumes in some time, they should know how to delete old resumes from LinkedIn to ensure that employers are seeing the most recent version.

LinkedIn’s popularity has been growing consistently over the years. As of 2021, LinkedIn has over 740 million members, including recruiters and employees from a wide range of industries. It is widely used by recruiters to find and connect with potential job candidates, and by employees to network with others in their field, find job opportunities, and stay up to date on industry news and trends. The exact number of recruiters and employees using LinkedIn is constantly changing as new members join and existing members leave the platform.

Why Do People Delete Old Resume from LinkedIn?

Some of the common reasons for deleting a resume from LinkedIn are

  • They have found a new job and do not want their current employer to see that they are actively looking for new opportunities
  • They want to update their resume and want to ensure that the latest version is the one that is visible to others
  • If you have started a new job and want to update your resume accordingly, you should ensure that your resume is up-to-date. Outdated resumes no longer have the same power as they used to, so make sure you are regularly revising and modifying your resume. You may also want to delete your resume from LinkedIn if it is no longer relevant.

How to Remove a Resume From LinkedIn?

There are two ways to remove a resume from LinkedIn:

  1. Delete Resume from Profile
  2. Delete Resumes from Settings

Delete Resume from Profile

The first method for removing an old resume from LinkedIn is to delete it directly from your profile. Here are the steps to do this:

  • Begin by opening LinkedIn in your browser and logging in. 
  • Go to the “Me” icon located at the top of the page and choose “View profile” from the list of options. 
  • Click “More” beneath your profile image and hit ‘Build a resume’. 
  • Once you spot the resume you wish to delete, click on the “…” adjacent to it, followed by “Delete.” Finally, click “Delete” once more to confirm your action.

Delete Resumes from Settings

This method enables you to delete resumes from smartphones as well as desktops. It is simple to do: just follow the steps and you’ll be able to delete any old resumes and create space for new ones. Here’s how you can do it on both smartphones and desktops.

Delete a Resume on the LinkedIn app on your Desktop

  • Select “Jobs” from the bar at the top of your screen. 
  • Navigate to “Application Settings” on the left side of the screen
  • Then click on the three dots beside the resume you wish to remove. 
  • Click “Delete” and then again to confirm removal.

Delete a resume on the LinkedIn app on your smartphone

  • First open the app and select the “Jobs” option in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
  • Then, click the three dots in the upper right corner 
  • Choose “Manage application settings.” 
  • After that, click the three dots next to your chosen resume before selecting “Delete.” 
  • Lastly, confirm your action by pressing the “Delete” button once more.


Once you’ve deleted your resume from LinkedIn, it can’t be recovered, so make sure you have a copy saved on your computer before deleting it.


In conclusion, removing an outdated resume from LinkedIn is an easy and straightforward process. You can easily remove your resume from Linkedin using either of two methods: deleting it from your profile or deleting it from the settings section. The first option is just for PC users, while the second option can be used by both PC and mobile users.

FAQs: How to Remove Old Resume from LinkedIn?

How can I Edit my Resume on LinkedIn?

  • Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to your profile.
  • Click the “More” button under your profile picture and select “Save to PDF” or “Save to PDF/HTML” from the drop-down menu.
  • Click the “Edit” button next to the PDF or HTML version of your resume.
  • Make the desired changes to your resume using the editing tools provided.
  • Once you’ve finished editing, click the “Save” button.
  • Your updated resume will now be visible on your LinkedIn profile

How Do I Create a LinkedIn Profile?

To create a LinkedIn profile, go to and click “Join now.” Fill in your name, email, and password, and then click “Join.” You’ll then be prompted to add your work experience, education, and other information to your profile.

Can I Import my Resume to my LinkedIn Profile?

Clicking the “Add profile section” button will allow you to add your profile to your LinkedIn profile by clicking on “Import resume,” which enables you to import your resume. You can then upload your resume in PDF or Word format.

How Do I Make my LinkedIn Profile More Attractive to Employers?

To make your LinkedIn profile more attractive to employers, make sure it is complete, including your work experience, education, and skills. Use keywords that employers might think to be pertinent to that you are when seeking employment. Also, add a professional headshot, and seek out and get recommendations from colleagues and managers.

How Can I Use LinkedIn to Find a Job?

You can use LinkedIn to find a job by searching for open positions, connecting with recruiters, and networking with other professionals in your industry. You can also use the LinkedIn Job Search feature to search for jobs based on location, industry, and keywords.

What Are Some Best Practices for Networking on LinkedIn?

Some best practices for networking on LinkedIn include:

Creating a professional profile and regularly updating it. Building connections with people you know and industry professionals. Participating in groups and discussions related to your industry. Creating and sharing valuable content, such as articles and videos. Being helpful and responsive to people who reach out to you.

How Do I Customize my LinkedIn Profile URL?

To change your LinkedIn URL, log in to your profile and navigate to the “Me” icon at the very top of your LinkedIn homepage. Next, click on “View profile” and then click on the “Edit public profile & URL” button. From there, you can edit your public profile URL.