Being certified as a teacher is an incredible accomplishment that deserves to be showcased on your resume. It demonstrates a commitment to the profession and signals employers that you have the knowledge and experience necessary to lead a classroom. We will provide guidance on How to list Teacher Certification on Resume in order to draw attention to your achievements without taking up too much space. We will cover topics such as where to place certifications, what information should be included, and how best to present it.

Related: Where to Upload a Resume on LinkedIn?

What is Teacher Certification? 

Teacher certification is the official recognition verifying that someone has the skills and knowledge to teach in a classroom setting. To obtain certification, applicants must usually pass tests, complete courses, and fulfill continuing education requirements. The type of certification you need depends on the level at which you want to teach and the subject you plan to focus on.

Why List Teacher Certification on a Resume?

Listed certifications can help demonstrate to potential employers that you have the skills and knowledge necessary to be an effective teacher. This is especially important if you have recently received the certification; showing that you took the time and effort to obtain a specific teaching credential can be a great case for hiring you. 

In addition to demonstrating commitment and competence, listing teacher certification on a resume can also demonstrate to employers that you are aware of the local and national laws, regulations, and standards governing the teaching profession. Doing so can help to show employers that you are likely to adhere to all of the legal requirements during your tenure as a teacher.

Types of Teacher Certifications

Before diving into how to list teacher certification on your resume, it’s essential to understand the different types of teacher certifications. Each state has its own requirements for teacher certification, so it’s important to know the specific requirements in the state where you plan to teach. However, there are a few general types of teacher certifications:

Initial Certification – This is the first level of certification that teachers receive when they complete their education and meet the state’s requirements.

Advanced Certification – Advanced certification is a step above initial certification, requiring additional coursework or training, as well as experience in the classroom.

National Board Certification – This certification is a voluntary, advanced certification that recognizes accomplished teachers who meet high standards for what they know and can do.

Teacher Certification: How to list Teacher Certification on Resume

Teaching is one of the more desirable professions, as it offers stability, flexibility, and the potential to make a difference to students. For those interested in pursuing their career in the teaching field, obtaining teacher certification is an important step. It serves as an official recognition that you have the necessary skills and qualifications to teach in a classroom setting. Including your certification in your resume is the perfect way to demonstrate to potential employers that you have the right credentials and experience to be a successful educator.

Where to List Teacher Certification on Your Resume

Now that we’ve covered the types of teacher certifications, let’s discuss where to list teacher certification on your resume. Some areas allow you to add your certification:

In your summary or objective statement – Including your certification in your summary or objective statement at the top of your resume will immediately draw attention to your qualifications and credentials.

In the education section – This is the most common place to include your certification. List your certification, the school that awarded it, and the year in which you earned the qualifications.

In the skills section – If you have multiple certifications or want to draw attention to your qualifications, you can include them in a separate skills section.

How to List Teacher Certification on Your Resume

When listing your teacher certification on your resume, there are a few important pieces of information to include:

Certification type – Be specific about the type of certification you have earned (initial, advanced, national board).

State and grade level – Indicate the state where you’re certified and the grade level you’re qualified to teach.

Certification number – If you have a certification number, include it.

Date earned – Include the date you earned your certification.

Here’s an example of how to list your teacher certification on your resume:

Certification Type: Initial Certification

State and Grade Level: New York, Grades 1-6

Certification Number: 123456

Date Earned: May 2020

Tips for Making Your Teacher Certification Stand Out

Now that you know how to list your teacher certification on your resume let’s discuss some tips for making it stand out to potential employers:

Highlight it in your summary or objective statement – Including your certification in your summary or objective statement will immediately draw attention to your qualifications and credentials.

Customize your resume for each job application – If you’re applying for a specific job, tailor your resume to highlight your relevant experience and certifications.

Use bullet points – Make your certificate stand out from the rest when employing bullet points rather than paragraphs.

Quantify your achievements – Whenever possible, quantify your achievements, such as the number of students you’ve taught or the improvement you’ve seen in your students’ test scores.


Listing your teacher certification on your resume is crucial to demonstrating your qualifications and credentials as a teacher. Remember to include the certification type, state, grade level, certification number, and date earned. By highlighting your certification in your summary or objective statement, customizing your resume.